Leadership Duties
Leadership Duties
MISA offers students many opportunities to develop their personal and professional skill set. Leadership skills are highly valued by most Professional Firms. By becoming a member of MISA Leadership, you gain valuable hands-on experience running an organization.
If you are interested in joining the MISA Leadership Team (LT), please indicate so on your MISA Membership Application... and be sure to JOIN MISA in OrgSync, so that you will be ready to use the tools that the MISA LT uses to manage the MIS Association at Sacramento State.
Click here for a list of Leadership Teams by semester.
Interested in running for a leadership position? Read our bylaws.
Below are some of the Leadership Team position descriptions (subject to change).
Attend Nuts and Bolts Meeting
Overall supervision of the organization and its officers
Be the official spokesperson of the organization
Preside over all organizational meetings
Report officers’ progress and news to members at the beginning of each member meeting
Attend DOC Funding Meetings with or in place of the Treasurer
Approve purchases and reimbursements in conjunction with the Treasurer
Create master calendar for the club and board members
Responsible for club agreement form and booth logistics
Vice President
Attend Nuts and Bolts Meeting
Assist President and all other officers in completion of duties
Lead general and board meetings in president’s absence
Determine the duties for all other officers in conjunction with the President before the semester begins
Plan events with food, including ordering and working with Event Services
Responsible for reserving rooms for MISA meetings
Work with other business and technology clubs to plan joint events
Professional Correspondent
Attend Nuts and Bolts Meeting
Take meeting notes and post notes to officers in a weekly email
Update and maintain MISA’s Intellectual Property
Send email updates to all club members
Assist the Vice President and VP Marketing with their duties
Work with the VP of Information Systems to update Hornet Hub and the Website
Maintain membership records for the organization
Check the mailbox in the Student Union
Attend Nuts and Bolts Meeting
Responsible for keeping MISA account active with ASI and collecting dues at meetings
Approve purchases and reimbursements in conjunction with the leadership board
Make budget and get proposed purchases approved
Keep records/receipts of members that pay membership dues
Submit DOC funding applications and attend DOC funding meetings
Professional Relations Officer
Attend Nuts and Bolts Meeting
Seek out new sponsors for MISA and communicate with current sponsors
Invite guest speakers and work with recruiters to come to campus
Obtain parking permits for guest speakers
Prepare a member guide for each meeting. A member guide shall include background and contact information for each speaker, with speaker's permission.
Work with the Career Center to keep MISA updated on jobs and events
Provide content to Professional Correspondent to send weekly email
Project Manager/Marketing
Update the MIS display case in Tahoe Hall
Create and distribute recruitment materials, including MISA brochures and flyers
Write meeting announcements on whiteboards of current MIS/AIS/GIS classrooms
Send event announcements on Biz List, Facebook, etc.
Update MISA on Hornet Hub/LinkedIn/Instagram/Discord
Facilitate production and ordering of semester MISA shirts, stoles, and banner
Take pictures during MISA meetings and events
Assist VP Information Systems with election logistics
Information Systems Officer
Maintain and update MISA Website
Maintain and organize MISA email accounts before the semester begins
Find new technologies MISA can use as an organization
Work with advisor to ensure Dreamspark access to members
Assist with election logistics, including printing and assembling ballots
Provide a laptop (can be loaned from CSUS) for use at every regular and special meeting
Schedule board members to visit MIS classes to assist in recruitment
Help potential members register on Hornet Hub, process membership applications, and keep attendance records for meetings
Engage Community College tech groups and faculty to recruit future members
Mentor MISA members on their paths to graduation
Please note that more positions may be added and existing position responsibilities may change.